EradiRat the natural way to eradicate Rats
Not a Rat poison but a Rat killer.
EradiRat contains No poisonous chemicals and can be safely used in food
processing areas, food packing areas and food storage areas.
Typicaly used on conventional farms and organic farms. Stables, Schools,
Parks, pig and poultry farms.
EradiRat is consumed as a food source as part of a rats natural eating
After ingestion dehydration commences causing blood thickening &
circlatory collapse, rats become lethargic and retreat to their burrow
where they lapse into a coma and die. Rats dehydrate and are mummified usually in their burrows.
EradiRat is designed to only kills rodents.
No secondary poisoning because EradiRat is not a poison.
EradiRat is safe for the enviroment because EradiRat contains no harmfull chemicals.
Full instructions on the back of the pack, use in one of our Rat
Bait Boxes
Best to bag it up into 50g or 100g plastic freezer bags and then place one of the bags inside one of our rat bait boxes, along the rat run or in the rat hole.

EradiRat 500g enough for one or two rats
Use in one of our Rat
Bait Boxes
Use in one of our Rat
Bait Boxes
Eradirat 5kg tub
EradiRat is designed to only kills rodents.
No secondary poisoning because EradiRat is not a poison.
EradiRat is safe for the enviroment because EradiRat contains no harmfull chemicals.
Full instructions on the back of the pack, use in one of our Rat
Bait Boxes
Use in one of our Rat
Bait Boxes
are smart !.
.......Rats don't want to die,
................Rats won't go for the
bait unless there is
.........................No other food available.
handling, use precautions to avoid the possibility of disease transmission
Use disposable rubber gloves. Apply household disinfectants at recommended
concentrations to rodent droppings, nest and surrounding area, and allow
for at least 15 minutes contact time before removal. Clean the area with
paper towels or a mop. Thoroughly wash hands with soap and water and dispose
of gloves.

Eradirat instructions are on the back of the pack.
Best to bag it up into 50g 0r 100g plastic freezer bags and then place one of the bags inside one of our rat bait boxes, along the rat run or in the rat hole.
EradiRat is designed to only kills rodents.
No secondary poisoning because EradiRat is not a poison.
EradiRat is safe for the enviroment because EradiRat contains no harmfull chemicals.
Full instructions on the back of the pack, use in one of our Rat
Bait Boxes
Directions for use
Indoor use
Prior to treatment all likely food sources must be removed or made unavailable to rodents. Place bait trays at bait points where there are signed of rodent activity, like fresh droppings, inside or near rat runs and feeding areas. Place 50-75g of EradiRat® into small bowls or feeding trays approximately 2m apart throughout the infested area. Protect bait points from non-target animals and from water. Inspect bait points frequently and replace any eaten bait. Replace any baits which become wet and resite in a dry locations. Keep topping up bait points until there are no more takes for 48 hours.
Outdoor use
Place bait points where there are signs of rodent activity, like fresh droppings or near burrows, runways, feeding places and at points of entry around the perimeter of buildings. Place 50-75g of EradiRat® into bait stations or wrap cling film and place in drainpipes, open ended boxes or under sheets of metal/wood secured at an angel against a wall (to keep the bait point dry) at intervals of approximately 2m, reducing to approximately 1.5m in areas of high infestation. Protect bait points from non-target animals and (as the baits must be kept dry) from water. Inspect bait points frequently and replace any eaten bait. Replace any baits which become wet and resite in a dry location. If you require more bait trays within the activity area, we suggest you use flowerpot saucers or something similar.
EradiRat® can also be placed directly into rat holes, nesting or feeding areas. Wrap 50-75g of product in cling film and push down the burrow. Rats carry disease so never use unprotected hands. Push product into burrows with a long stick or similar. Replenish packets daily until there are either no more takes, or no rat activity, for 48 hours.
Rats carry disease. Therefore, remove all remains of bait and bait containers after treatment and dispose of safely. Search for rodent bodies and dispose of safely (e.g. burn or bury). Do not dispose of in refuse sacks or open rubbish tips.
- Suggested bait locations for rodent control
- Around ponds and water features
- Holes under a patio
- Under garden structures
- Access points to buildings
- or under a greenhouse
- Holes in lawns
- Around houses
- Near livestock such as chickens and horses.
- Do thoroughly read and understand the instructions for use.
- Do thoroughly survey area to find rodent locations and main areas of activity Holes in the lawn/garden may indicate a break in the drain system, if so carry out investigations and repairs.
- Do clear away sources of alternative food and harbourages, or make it difficult for rodents to access them.
- Do make notes on the above to use for reference.
- Do use the product as a food source.
- Do provide enough product in trays or boxes, approx 200gm 3 metres apart in areas where rodents are present.
- Do make up small parcels of product using cling-film or small sandwich bags and place directly into rat holes.
- Do keep the product dry at all times.
- Do place the product into voids through which rats are running.
- Do re-visit, re-survey and re-fill boxes, trays, holes and make notes regularly.
- Do not under estimate the amount of rodents present.
- Do not expect the rodents to come in search of the product you apply.
- Do not use the product as scatter bait.
- Do not use the product alongside any other foods to try and attract rodents.
- Do not place any food out for wild animals or birds.
- Do not mix the product with any other rodent eradication products.
- Do not expect the product to be eaten immediately; it may take a while for the rodents to get used to the new, unfamiliar boxes or trays that you have placed.
- Do not pour the product into holes.
- Do not store the product next to other items with strong smelling odours or in damp areas.
Tips for Home Users
Is it harmless to dogs & cats?
Natrocell products are highly specific in action to rodent populations and there is no evidence of any risk to companion animals such as dogs and cats. Recent trial data has confirmed the lack of toxicity to these animals.
What’s it made from?
Formulation being 100% formulated comminute plant material.
How does it work?
The product targets the digestive system by disrupting digestion rather than by introducing the rodents to a poisonous chemical additive in the diet and allowing the blood to haemorrhage.
How much do you need to kill them?
Approx 60g per rat and 15g per mouse over the course of 4 to 5 days and 2 to 3 days respectively depending on size and condition of rodent.
How long does it take to work?
Used as an alternative food source rather than as a poison bait, EradiRat® / EradiMouse® cause death after some 2 to 5 days of regular feed intake and are effective even among rodent populations which are considered to be resistant to conventional methods. |